Downtown Bentonville Inc. announces a second Shop the Block promotion to stimulate shopping and dining at locally-owned shops and restaurants. The shopping event will be held March 12-14 and encourages the community to “Spend Free Money at Downtown Businesses.”
On Friday, March 12th, Downtown Bentonville Inc. will distribute $30 Downtown Dollars to registered individuals or families. Downtown Dollars can be spent like cash at participating businesses and restaurants through the close of business on Sunday, March 14th.
This year, advance online registration is required to collect Downtown Dollars. [see below for rules and registration link].
In November 2020, Downtown Bentonville Inc.’s first Shop the Block weekend drew hundreds of shoppers and infused $9,000 into the local economy. DBI hopes to replicate or surpass the success of the first event.
“It’s been exactly one year since our downtown began to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as it crept across our community,” said DBI Executive Director Andrew Heath. “Downtown Bentonville Inc. and our partners The Walmart Museum and First Security Bank want to encourage the community to continue to safely shop, dine, and support our downtown retail shops and restaurants.”
The Rules:
The Fine Print:
Must be 18 years of age or older to register.
Downtown Dollars can be used as cash at participating businesses only.
No change will be given.
Registered participants must pick up Downtown Dollars by 5:30 pm on Friday, March 12th.
Abandoned Downtown Dollars will be put into weekend getaways and available to all members of the public.
Downtown Dollars must be spent by close of business on Sunday, March 14th.
Multiple members of one household can only register for one set of $30 Downtown Dollars.
Downtown Dollars may not be used to purchase alcohol.
Registration, rules, and a list of participating businesses can be found at https://www.downtownbentonville.org/event/stb